The idea of buying an investment asset for a lower price than a fair-value is the cornerstone of value factor strategies. Various value strategies were popularized by famous investor Benjamin Graham (and his successors like Warren Buffett) and were firstly employed in the stock market. This idea of looking for investment opportunities that can be bought cheaply can also be applied in currency markets - Currency Value Factor strategy. There is, however, one catch - an investor must know the fair-value exchange rate for currencies. The most popular equilibrium exchange rate model used for this purpose is based on PPP (purchasing power parity). A new research paper written by Ca' Zorzi, Cap, Mijakovic, and Rubaszek analyzes two additional models - Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) and the Macroeconomic Balance (MB) approach to assess which model has the best forecasting power.
Authors: Ca' Zorzi, Cap, Mijakovic, Rubaszek
Title: The Predictive Power of Equilibrium Exchange Rate Models
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